
The evolution of
Stockton Fire Hydrants
(Part 3)


Some areas recently annexed into Stockton had existing hydrants of different designs.

Some residential areas were served by wharf heads on 6" risers, such as this Greenberg.

Greenberg Double Wharf
Photo of odd looking wharf hydrant
Commercial zones in these annexed areas were equipped with traditional Greenberg Model 75 hydrants...
Greenberg Model 75
Photo of wet barrel hydrant
...or hydrants such as this Long Beach Iron Works EBMUD style model. Those that had 4½" steamer outlets were retrofitted with 4" nozzles, or adapters were affixed.

Long Beach Iron Works
Photo of wet barrel hydrant
When non standard models fail, they are replaced with modern dry barrel hydrants such as these new models.
New hydrants await installation
Photo of new hydrants on pallet

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