Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. - Provo, UT
Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. still exists today, but no longer manufactures fire hydrants. To obtain information or parts for these hydrants, see our Hydrant Parts page.

If you have information about the company or its fire hydrants, please Contact Us.

Two models have been discovered and are documented below.

  M1 model
This first model has a strong resemblance to Iowa Valve hydrants with the multi-sided bonnet and the toggle action main valve; which is the reason for the off-center operating nut.
  • The photos below show what appear to be two different valve opening sizes hydrants. What we are calling a ~4" V.O. has 4 bonnet bolts and a ~5" V.O. has 8 bonnet bolts.
  • Cast onto the barrel is the wording "PACIFIC STATES C.I.P. Co. PROVO UTAH 19XX" (year of mfr.).

  • Shown first is the older 1 piece barrel version.
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: ~4" V.O.
    Dated: 1944
    Location: Portland, OR
    Photo: © 2002, A. McMillan
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Dated: 1948
    Location: Eddie W. collection
    Photo: © 1999, E. Walden

    And these are later 2 piece barrel hydrants. The barrel flange bolted joint has the same number of bolts as the bonnet joint for each valve opening size.
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: ~4" V.O.
    Dated: 1961
    Location: Brentwood, CA
    Photo: © 2000, W. Lamm
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: ~4" V.O.
    Dated: 1955
    Location: Brentwood, CA
    Photo: © 2000, W. Lamm
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Dated: 1962
    Location: Phoenix, AZ
    Photo: © E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Dated: 1968
    Location: Tom C. collection
    Photo: ©2003, T. Cooper

      M2 model
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 5" V.O.
    Dated: 1971
    Location: Portland, OR
    Photo: © 2002, A. McMillan
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Dated: 1981
    Location: Cody, WY
    Photo: © 2000, C. Aguirre

      M4 model
    The M4 model appears to be identical to the Clow F2500. What agreement or relationship that existed between Clow Co. and PSCIP Co. at the time is currently unknown to
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1984
    (see back view)
    Location: Portland, OR
    Photo: © 2004, A. McMillan

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