Chapman Valve Mfg. Co.- Indian
Orchard, MA List 82s - Part 3
These List 82s continue with the "large barrrel, large bonnet" style with
exceptions noted as "sbsb" (small barrel, small bonnet) with the V.O. size.
Bonnet: fluted underside, CHAPMAN VALVE MFG. CO.
SPRINGFIELD, MASS. on top with opening direction. Some can be found with
...BOSTON, U.S.A. instead.
Logo: the same 8-point "snowflake" surrounding the rounded letters "C"
and "V" on top of each other with "M'FG. CO. " in the very
on the circle in the "snowflake" as shown at the left.
Nozzles: screw-in (note LARGE diameters on barrel where 2
1/2" hose nozzles screw in). The large diameter may have been intended
to accommodate 3" nozzles. |
0943 Nozzles: 2x 2½" Size: 4"
V.O. |
1726 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5" Size: 4"
V.O. Note: wrong bonnet Location: Massachusetts |
0816 Nozzles: 2x 2½" Size: 5"
V.O. |
0936 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 5"
V.O. Location: Massachusetts |
0851 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x
4" Size: 5" V.O. |
0853 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x
5" Size: 5" V.O. Location:
Massachusetts |
0815 Nozzles: 1x 2½", 2x
5" Size: 5" V.O. |
1007 Nozzles: 1x 2½", 2x
5" Size: 5" V.O. Location:
Massachusetts |
0849 Nozzles: 1x 2½", 2x
5" Size: 5" V.O. Location:
Massachusetts |
1346 Nozzles: 3x 2½"
Size: 6" V.O.
Location: Rhode Island |
List 82
(externally gated) | |
These "lblb" List 82s are unique in that they have bolt-on gate valves for the
hose nozzles. They are listed separately because everything else on this page
is listed by whether they have LARGE or SMALL diameters on the barrels where the
nozzles screw in.
Their vintage is believed to be ~1910.
Other Chapman hydrants with bolt-on gate valves can be found on the
Multiple Valve page.
1349 Nozzles: 2x 2½" Size: 5"
V.O. |
2113 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 6"
V.O. Location: private collection |
1348 Nozzles: 4x 2½" Size: 6"
V.O. Location: Massachusetts |
List 82 (~1910 and
later) | |
These List 82s represent the nearly the end of the evolution of the model; and they differ from the
above 1902-1910 group only by having SMALL diameters on barrel where
hose nozzles screw in. They are the "large barrel, large bonnet" style; with "sbsb"
exceptions grouped separately below.
2028 Nozzles: 1x 2½" Size: ? Photo © 2003 Meg Ormiston
0813 Nozzles: 2x 2½" Size: 4"
V.O. |
1797 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 4"
V.O. Location: Massachusetts |
0944 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5" Size: 4"
V.O. |
0850 Nozzles: 2x 2½" Size: 5"
V.O. |
0947 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 5"
V.O. |
0819 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x
4" Size: 5" V.O. |
0852 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
(casting made for 5") Size: 5" V.O. |
0818 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x
5" Size: 5" V.O. |
0817 Nozzles: 1x 2½", 2x
5" Size: 5 V.O. |
0946 Nozzles: 1x 2½", 2x
5" Size: 5 V.O. |
1342 Nozzles: 2x 2½"
Size: 6 V.O. Location:
Massachusetts |
0820 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 6"
V.O. |
2172 Nozzles: 3x 2½" Size: 6"
V.O. |
0945 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5" Size: 6"
V.O. Location: Massachusetts |
2194 Nozzles: 4x 2½"
Size: 6"V.O. |
These "sbsb" List 82s have a mixture of features from different vintages.
1343 Nozzles: 2x 2½" leaded-in Size: 3"
V.O. Logo style: 1890-1900 |
2417 Nozzles: 2x 2½" leaded-in, 1x 4½", screw-in Size: 5"
V.O. Logo style: 5A |
2372 Nozzles: 2x 2½" leaded-in, 1x 4½", screw-in Size: 4"
V.O. Logo style: 1890-1900 |
0848 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x
5" Size: 6" V.O. sbsb Logo style:5A Note: only "Open" on bonnet top
Location: Massachusetts |
1263 Nozzles: 2x 2½" screw-in Size: 4"
V.O. Logo style: 1890-1900 |
2554 Nozzles: 2x 2½" screw-in Size: 4"
V.O. Logo style: post 1900, on the sides.
1350 Nozzles: 2x 2½" screw-in Size: 5"
V.O. Logo style: post 1900 (Boston U.S.A)
0830 Nozzles: 2 x 2½", 1 x 5" screw-in
Size: 5" V.O. Logo style: post 1900 (Boston U.S.A)
These last List 82s differ from the '1910 & later group' in that they have a further
revised barrel logo.
Bonnet: same fluted underside
Logo: the same 8-point "snowflake" surrounding the rounded letters "C" and "V" on
top of each other with "M'FG. CO. " in the very
middle. "CHAPMAN VALVE SPRINGFIELD MASS." on the circle in the "snowflake" as shown at the left.
Nozzles: screw-in (note SMALL diameters on barrel where
hose nozzles screw in) |
1347 Nozzles: 3x 2½"
Size: 6"V.O. |
1709 Nozzles: 4x 2½"
Size: 6"V.O. Location: Connecticut |
2352 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
Size: 6"V.O. |