Bourbon Copper & Brass Co. - Cincinnati, OH
Part 2
This rounded style of O.D. rib smoothy blends into the barrel portion above;
lacking the step distinctive to Rib Style "B". But there is much variation in this rounded shape.
The type shown at the left is generally found on the larger barrel hydrants with the
larger 9¾" O.D. bonnet.
On hydrants made with a frost jacket the bottom portion of the rib was
machined away as the O.D. of the barrel below the rib was trued up; resulting in the
appearance shown at the right; from a smaller barrel hydrant with the the smaller
8¾" O.D. bonnet.
These hydrants are a more diverse group so they are split into multiple sections below.
This first section has hydrants with the smaller 8¾" O.D. bonnet with a 2 nut bonnet top and a straight barrel.
Barrel O.D. measurements provided below are measured just above the O.D. rib.
2102 Nozzle: 3" Barrel OD: 5 5/8" Location: Ed M.
collection Photo: © 2003, E. Masminster |
1402 Nozzle: 2½" Barrel OD: 7" Location: Ed M.
collection Photo: © 2002, E. Masminster |
1459 Nozzle: 2½" Barrel OD: 7"
Note: smooth bonnet, otherwise like #1402
Location: Cincinnati, OH |
These also have the smaller 8¾" O.D. bonnet with a 2 nut bonnet top but differ from those
above in barrel shape with a stepped down barrel diameter between the nozzles and the bonnet.
1728 Nozzles: 2x 2½" |
0076 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½" |
These all have a 9¾" O.D. bonnet with a 4 nut bonnet top.
These hydrants all have bolt-on pumper nozzles except for #1401.
This group is the only style to have hydrants that are dated with the year of manufacture.
The date is centered below the nozzles just above the O.D. rib.
1040 Nozzle: 4½" Note: dated 1913 |
1432 Nozzle: 4½" Note: dated 1914 |
1862 Nozzle: 2x 2½" Location: Ohio
0082 Nozzles: 2x 3" swing gated |
1038 Nozzles: 2x 3" swing gated Note: dated 1915 |
1401 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x ~4" |
0079 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½" |
0078 Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½" |
These very unique hydrants are called "flatback" and "box" hydrants.
These have larger bonnet sizes than all other known
Bourbon hydrants; and they have a 4 bolt bonnet top.
Each nozzle on the box is bolted on and each hose nozzle is independently gated.
1034 Nozzles: 3x 3"
Bonnet: 11½" O.D. Location: Ohio
0006 Nozzles: 2x 3", 1x 4½" (not gated)
Bonnet: 11½" O.D.
1033 Nozzles: 3x 3", 1x 4½" (not gated)
Bonnet: 12½" O.D. Location: Ohio
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