Alternate Water Supply Systems

Providing Water Supply using a Burrito
Part Three

© 2001 Capt. Willis Lamm, Water Supply Officer, Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District

The following procedures are examples of low water pressure evolutions based on the procedures of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, presented for illustrative purposes.

The most efficient way to keep the Burrito full is by quick dumping into it. If the Floto-Pump is being used continuously in the tank, a quick dump may not be feasible, however if the tank is being drafted, refilling operations can take place using the quick dump without impeding the pumping operation.

A practical sequence of events for quick dumping is described below:

  1. Carefully back the tender engine to the tank, centering the dump valve over the tank opening.

    (If the tank is near empty and the opening oval shaped, the dump valve should be aligned with the tank's longitudinal axis.)

  2. Position the apparatus so that the dump valve just comes to the edge of the opening's float ring.

  3. Open the dump valve and observe that the discharge is entering the tank.

  4. Engage the pump, open the Jet Dump valve and run the discharge pressure to 100 p.s.i., observing that the discharge is not overshooting the tank opening.

  5. Idle the pump when the tank nears empty to avoid taking up air.

    Key Point:

    Don't direct dump while the Floto-Pump is in the tank. The pump must be removed first!

Guiding the vehicle into position
Dumping- gravity flow
Increasing discharge with the jet

Continue to Pumping From the Burrito

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