Alternate Water Supply Systems

Providing Water Supply using a Burrito
Part Two

© 2001 Capt. Willis Lamm, Water Supply Officer, Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District

The following procedures are examples of low water pressure evolutions based on the procedures of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District, presented for illustrative purposes.
While the burrito can be initially filled by a direct dumping into the center opening, it is safer and more reliable to initially fill it using the fill tube. Since E-642's dump valve is pretty short, we extend to the valve using a pair of gender changers before attaching the fill tube.

A practical sequence of events is described below:

  1. Attach the 4½" double male / double female gender changer set to the dump valve to extend it.

  2. Pull the fill tube up over the dump valve as far as it will go and secure it using one of the straps carried in the Burrito "package."

  3. Open the dump valve and allow water to enter the fill tube.

  4. The float around the tank opening should remain on top of the water, however it can be guided by hand if a corner gets stuck and water spills over.

  5. Once the Burrito is inflating properly, discharge can be increased using the "Jet Dump." 100 p.s.i. is a good operating pressure for the Jet Dump.

    (When using the Jet Dump, idle down as the tank nears empty as the pump intake will whirlpool and the pump will pick up air.)

The Jet Dump control

Alternative Filling:

If where you have to place the tank does not facilitate a direct connection of the Burrito fill tube to the dump valve, hose can be used such as the tender-engine's large diameter soft suction, a length of LDH or even one or two lengths of drafting hose.

Key Point:

If multiple units are going to be filling from the Burrito and/or multiple dumps are going to be made into the Burrito, be sure to leave the Floto-Pump and gated wye set as well as 2 lengths of 3" hard suction hose with the tank!

Extending with the double female / male set
Attaching the fill tube
Filling the tank
Tying off the tube when finished

Continue to Shuttle Filling the Burrito

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