Windsor Foundry - Windsor, Nova Scotia

Little is known about the company that produced this hydrant. A 1921 letter from the Reading Stove Works in Pennsylvania reveals that they made cookstoves as part of there product line. They also made this hydrant. To our knowledge, it is the only North American produced hydrant following the European tradition of canting the hose nozzles downward to facilitate hook-up.

If you have any information about the Windsor Foundry, or its hydrants --- an old advertisement, old records at your water agency, etc. --- please Contact Us.


Two-way model.

Photo courtesy and copyright ©2002 Brian Robbins


Three-way model.

Note that the steamer port is parallel to the ground, and the hose outlets are angled downward, the same as with German hydrants. This is contrary to the French practice of having all the ports angled downward.

Photo courtesy and copyright ©2002 Brian Robbins

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