Western Foundry - Portland, Oregon

Little is known about the Western Foundry company at this time. We do know that the Western Foundry Company was located at 626 Hood Street, in Portland, Oregon, and was the manufacturer of the "Setchfield" Patent Fireplace Damper. Patent date for the damper is indicated as 1923.

If you have any information regarding this company, please Email Us.

Thanks to Gary Rust for the information above.

Pictured is a 1931 Western Foundry hydrant that is virtually identical to the common Rensselaer 5-bolt bonnet List 90 model. Clones of the Rensselaer were also made by the Helser Machine Works of Portland, and parts are interchangeable amongst all three makes.

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Photos © 2001 Allen McMillan

photo of Western Foundry hydrant

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