San Jose Iron and Foundry - San Jose, CA
San Jose Foundry

Nothing is known about the company that produced these hydrants. If you have any information about the San Jose Foundry - old advertisements, catalogs, manuals, etc. please contact us.
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  Flip Lid Model
Identifying Characteristics: Flip lid style hydrant.
  • Appearance is reminiscent of many other brand flip lid hydrants. Usually there was a handwheel or "T" handle under the lid to operate the mainvalve.

  • 0539
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5"
    Date: ?
    © 2002 Randy Wootten

      Wet Riser Model

    Identifying Characteristics: Wet riser hydrant with ground line flange.

  • "CAVALLHO" cast into bonnet.
  • Note the large diameter chain rings, typical of California hydrants.

  • 1992
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5"
    © 2003, Don Jarvis

      Double Barrel Model

    The independently and internally 'gated' nozzle concept is explored in this double-barreled model. Although unusual, other makers, too, used a similar approach.

  • The twin barrels are siamesed, but the bonnets appear separate.

  • 1991
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: ?

    ©2003 Don Jarvis
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Date: ?

    ©2003 Don Jarvis

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