Ross Valve Mfg. Co. - Troy, NY
Ross Valve is a family owned and operated business founded in 1879 currently being operated by two 5th generation family members. They no longer manufacture fire hydrants. The primary business is currently automatic control valves for the municipal water works and dirty water works, with additional divisions to serve the OEM Fire Truck manufacturers, and specialty castings.

Special thanks to Mr. R. Andrew Ross of Ross Valve Mfg. Co. for the company and hydrant history presented on this page.

  Vulcan model
This portable fire hydrant was designed to be carried on fire trucks. In use it was connected to a high pressure main that was exposed by removal of a manhole cover as shown in this image. This hydrant design was patented November 24, 1916 and it appears as though it was pulled from their general catalogs in 1960. The examples documented below each have the (customer) city fire department name cast onto the housing and are marked "H.P." for "High Pressure".

Two versions of the Vulcan hydrant were made and differ externally by the style of levers used for each of the four outlets; single levers or 4-spoke handwheels. Further information is shown on this image taken from Ross Valve's Catalog # 50.
  • The "Fig. #44" version (single lever) had the four 2.5" outlets adjustable for automatic pressure reduction from 0 to 300 psi.
  • The "Fig. #45" version (4-spoke handwheel) had four 2.5" globe valves with no automatic pressure reduction capability.
  • 0460
    Model: Fig. #44
    City Embossing: BALTIMORE, MD
    Location: private collection
    Photo: © 2000 B. Follweiler
    1517 (another view)
    Model: Fig. #45
    City Embossing: CINCINNATI, OHIO
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: © 2001, E. Masminster

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