Oregon Foundry - Portland, Oregon

If you have any information about the Oregon Foundry, please Email Us. The first model shown has the words "THE PHOENIX" cast onto the bonnet, suggesting possibly that Oregon Foundry and Phoenix Iron Works may have merged at some point. All Oregon Foundry models documented thus far have had internal gates on each hose nozzle.
This model is shown here in two variants, one with the hose outlets inline, the other with the outlets more or less forward facing, at an oblique angle.

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0352 (right)
Photo Copyright © 2000, Mark Kennedy

1574 (far right)
Photo Copyright © 2001, Allen McMillan

This is another Oregon Foundry model still found in service in Portland today.

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Photos Copyright © 2001, Allen McMillan

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Site Design: Ethan Kennedy - ethan@firehydrant.org
