C. Norsworthy & Co. Ltd. - St. Thomas, Ontario CANADA

"C. Norsworthy acquired the Red Foundry at the corner of Centre and Metcalfe Streets in 1871. The company made stoves, farm implements, steam engines and furnaces, amongst other items. In "Vignettes of Early St.Thomas", by Warren Miller, it is noted that Norsworthy received the manufacturing rights to a U.S. fire hydrant and that most of the existing (1967) hydrants in St. Thomas were made by Norsworthy under the Ludlow Hydrant name. The hydrant donated to the Hall of Fame’s collection came from the area near the round house."

Photos and text on this page courtesy of Laurence Grant and the North America Railway Hall of Fame in St. Thomas, Ontario.

  'Holly style' model
Nozzles: 2x 2˝"
2518b Bonnet view
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