Mellert Foundry and Machine Ltd. - Reading, Pennsylvania
Little is known about the company that made this hydrant. If you have any information, an old catalog, photos, or anything else regarding Mellert, please Email us.

  Model (Unknown)

Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

  Model (Unknown)
  • This single outlet Mellert hydrant appears to have a smaller valve opening size.
  • 2461
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5"
    Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

    Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

      Later Model?
  • The patented model Mellert above had an unusual means of construction, bolted together via long internal rods. The model shown here would seem to be an improvement, with an integral bonnet that dispenses with the other model's means of fastening the bonnet to shoe.
  • 2468
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

    Photo courtesy Ralph Bascelli

    Reproduction of an advertisement from the 1888 first annual issue of
    The Manual of American Water-Works.

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