Mueller Co. - Albertville, AL
Dry Barrels - Part 2

  "Improved" (1934 - 1980)
The squared-off shape of the operating nut weather cap is the distinguishing characteristic of the Improved model. The bonnet is distinctly more pointed than other similar models.
  • "Mueller/(location)", year of manufacture, and V.O. size are cast on the upper barrel. This model was made in the following locations: Chattanooga, TN; La Brea, CA; and Albertville, AL.

    This model was made from 1934 - 1980 (or 1982, depending upon which Mueller literature you believe); with four generations of design changes. Externally they are different as follows:
  • 1934-47: nozzle chains attach to a screw-in eyebolt, bonnet has no filler plug (continued through 1954), only 4 of 8 bolts seen on top of the bonnet (continued through 1961). This generation is not year marked on the barrel.
  • 1947-54: nozzle chains attach to eyelet cast into the barrel (continued through 1982). Year date is marked on side of barrel (continued through 1982).
  • 1955-61: vertical oil filler plug added to bonnet
  • 1962-82: oil filler plug in bonnet now at an angle, and all 8 bolts seen on top of bonnet. Factory location change from Chattanooga, TN to Albertville, AL in 1975 reflected on barrel casting.
  • 1124
    Nozzles: 1x 2½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1947
    Location: John A. collection
    Photo: J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 1x 4"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1966
    Location: Jack S. collection
    Photo: J. Selvey
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1962
    Location: John A. collection
    Photo: J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 1x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1958
    Note: has a Centurion replacement bonnet
    Location: John A. collection
    Photo: J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1954
    Location: ?
    Photo: E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: ?
    Note: tamperproof nut
    Location: ?
    Photo: E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1972
    Location: Atlanta, GA
    Photo: E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1950
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo: E. Masminster
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1947
    Location: Livingston, WI
    Photo: J. Quist
    Nozzles: 3x 2½"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: none
    Location: Jack S. collection
    Photo: J. Selvey
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: none (1934-47)
    Note: bonnet marked "Columbian Iron Works", barrel marked "Div. of Mueller Co."
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1973
    Location: Cedar Rapids, IA
    Photo: Ron McLain

    (side view) 1073b
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x ~4"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: ?
    Note: has a Centurion replacement bonnet
    Location: Kansas
    Photo: E. Kennedy
    Nozzles: 3x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1948
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½" 2x 4½"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Dated: ?
    Note: no weather cap
    Location: Private Collection
    Photo: Kent Wheeler
    Nozzles: 2x 2½" 1x 4½"
    Size: 5¼" V.O.
    Note: Disney World limited edition
    Photo courtesy of "sellandship"
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 6¼" V.O.
    Dated: none (1934-47)
    Note: 12 bolt barrel joint
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 3x 2½"
    Size: 6¼" V.O.
    Dated: none (1934-47)
    Note: 12 bolt barrel joint
    Note: no weather cap
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4½"
    Size: 6¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1956
    Note: 12 bolt barrel joint
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 4x 2½"
    Size: 6¼" V.O.
    Dated: 1966
    Location: New York state
    Photo: J. Kaminski

      "107" (1964 - 1980)
    This hydrant gets its model name from the year it was introduced to the market. In 1857, Heironymous Mueller founded the company in Decatur, IL. In the 1950's and 60's Mueller named some of the more revolutionary products in the water market after the the year the were introduced. Hence, the '107' was introduced during the 107th year of Mueller.

    Externally the 107 was not much different from the Improved model. The 107 used the Improved upper barrel castings with the valve opening size fraction ground off. The outward appearance of the tapered weather cap and less pointed bonnet are the key distinguishing features.

    Internally the 107 was very revolutionary. The two biggest features were the break-away coupling and the seat. The break-away coupling went to a steel pinned coupling, unlike the threaded brass combination of the Improved. The seat on the 107 was a bronze to bronze. The Improved used a iron to bronze seat that produced corrosion and became difficult to use after a few years in service.

    When looking at the 107, the Improved and the Centurion series, the 107 is more like the Centurion. The 107 could be considered an evolutionary leap or a test model for the features that would be used or discarded in the Centurion. The seating method and coupling were kept on the Centurion, but the bonnet style was reverted back to the earlier Improved model. There are more features to the Centurion, but this is a discussion of the 107.

  • The model designation, "107", is cast onto the bonnet rim between mounting bolts.
  • "Mueller/(location)", year of manufacture, and V.O. size are cast on the upper barrel.
  • This model was made in 4", 5", and 6" V.O. sizes. This even number size is a distinguishing charactertistic.
  • Mueller Co. offered a conversion kit for the model 107 to replace the original bonnet assembly with a Centurion style bonnet. This can lead to confusion with hydrant identification.
  • 0348
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 4" V.O.
    Dated: 1974
    Location: John A. collection
    Photo: J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 4" V.O.
    Dated: 1965
    Location: Jeff K. collection
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 5" V.O.
    Dated: 1980
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 5"
    Size: 5" V.O.
    Dated: 1970
    Location: Massachusetts
    Photo: J. Kaminski

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