Fox & Engel
John Fox & Company - New York City

Little is known about this hydrant manufacturer. The advertisements below list some of their products and indicate that they were in business at least from 1896 through 1926. If you have further information about John Fox & Company, or Fox & Engel, please Contact Us.

Photos courtesy Jeff Kaminski

  Slide Gate hydrant.
Identifying Characteristics: This is a clone of the early Coffin Valve slide gate hydrant. It differs in the following ways:
  • "John Fox" and "New York" are embossed in the area circling the bonnet.
  • There is a large and ornate "JF" logo on the back of the barrel.
  • Coffin Valve patent date of November 17, 1885

  • Click Images
    To Englarge
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"

    Advertisement, Engineering News and American Railway Journal
    December 24th, 1896

    Advertisement, Water Works Engineering magazine
    August 15th, 1926

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