FB Machine Works - Columbus, OH
Feil's Brass & Machine Works - Chicago, IL

The origins of this (A.P.Smith-like) Series S model hydrant is somewhat a mystery to FireHydrant.org. Embossed on the lower barrel is FB MACHINE WKS COLUMBUS; while embossed on the bonnet is FEIL'S BRASS & MACHINE WKS. CHICAGO, IL. This hydrant was originally in service in Columbus, OH. Here are a couple of possibilities to explain both manufacturer's names on this hydrant:
  • Possibly these are both the same company; i.e. "FB Machine" is simply an abbreviation for "Feil's Brass & Machine". And the "COLUMBUS" embossing represents a Columbus, OH city spec hydrant.
  • Perhaps the city of Columbus, OH contracted the manufacture of hydrant components from various companies and then either assembled them themselves or had them assembled by someone else.

    Of note is that a Chicago City Spec salesman's sample exists in the hands of a collector that is embossed with FEIL'S BRASS & MACHINE WKS. CHICAGO, IL. However, this still doesn't tell us that this company made complete, full-size fire hydrants.

    If you have any information regarding these companies --- old brochures, catalogs, etc., please Email Us.

  •   Series S model
  • There is no indication of V.O. size on this model.
  • 2182
    Nozzles: 1x ~4"
    Size: ~5" V.O.
    Location: Jack S. collection
    Photo: © J. Selvey

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