Dayton, OH Spec
In 1930, in response to water inspectors' complaints of fire hydrants currently in service, two men decided that the city should undertake the design and manufacture of their own fire hydrants. These two men were Andy Nock, a handyman who was a veteran fireman and supervisor of the fire department maintenance department and Clarence Kosater, head of the hydrant maintenance department.

They bought the iron castings and machined them in the city workshop in old firehouse No. 16, on Jersey Street, just off of East Third Street. They also assembled and painted the hydrants complete and ready to install. Newspaper accounts in 1933 indicate that they claimed their hydrants to be superior to the ones in use and less costly. The city continued manufacture of their hydrants until at least 1948.

(If you have further information about these hydrants please Contact Us)
The two known styles designed and manufactured by the city of Dayton are shown below. The city of Dayton still has in service a number of Bourbon Copper and Brass Works hydrants; which may have been the brand of hydrant that the water inspectors' complained about. The hydrants do show evidence of Bourbon hydrant design influence as both have a separate "bonnet cap" and the "flatback" (box) hydrant design has only been seen elsewhere with Bourbon.
  • The #1296 hydrant has no markings whatsoever that would indicate origin or size.
  • The #1365 hydrant is marked "CITY OF DAYTON" on the bonnet rim; but also does not have any size markings.

  • 1296
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Size: ~5¼" V.O.
    Location: Ed M. collection
    Photo ©2001 E. Masminster
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5" gated, 1x 4"
    Size: ~5¼" V.O.
    Location: Dayton, OH
    Photo ©2002 E. Masminster

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