Clow Canada - Saint John, NB Canada

Little is known about Bibby Ste. Croix. At some point Clow Canada acquired the Sentinel hydrant line and it is a current production model. If you have information about this company, including old advertisements, brochures, etc., please Contact Us.

For information about Clow Canada Sentinel hydrants, contact the Clow Canada Website.

Click photos to enlarge

Identifying Characteristics: Dry barrel hydrant with 6 bolt ground line and bonnet flanges.
  • Appearance is hex-angular at the flanges.
  • Markings on barrel: Front: BF 104 Sentinel (bb) 1993 --- Back:(ULC) 150 Canada

  • 1698
    Date: 1993
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 100mm Storz
    Location: St. Sauveur, Quebec, Canada
    ©2001, Stuart Niven
    Date: 1996
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Location: Windsor, Ontario

    Photo: ©2001, Ethan Kennedy

    McAvity models | Daigle/D67 models | Bibby/Sentinel models

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