The hydrant in this location is set back from the roadway edge so the engine needs to be spotted
against the curb and almost to the hydrant for a front suction hookup.
An appropriate sequence of actions is:
- Remove the hard suction hose and 4½" double female adapter from the engine.
- Remove the front soft suction and 6"x4½" reducer.
- Attach one length of hard suction to the front suction connection.
- Attach the double female adapter to the hydrant.
- Attach the 6" x 4½" reducer to the second length of hard suction
and connect it to the hydrant.
- The reason we connect the two pieces of hard suction last is in the
event the engine has to be repositioned to make the hookup, one person
can hold the hose while the engine is moved.
- The front suction drain can be opened to purge air from the hose and
hydrant pressure should be sufficient to purge remaining air from the
system running the pump at moderate idle speed.
Hose laid out, attached to engine

Gender changer on the hydrant
