Spot the apparatus correctly
The engine must pull alongside about 8 feet from the hydrant. At the Sleepy Hollow
Reservoir, this requires pulling inside the access gate. The engine should
be parked with the expectation of making final adjustments to its position
after the hose is laid out.
Remove the 3" hard suction
Remove the 3" hard suction which is stored inside the 4½" hard suction.
Remove the 4½" hard suction
Remove one length of 4½" hard suction, a LDH double female adapter, rubber mallet
and spanner.
Hook one end to the engine
Hook the female end to the engine's Keystone valve. Be careful as there is
virtually no clearance between the valve ratchet and the ears on the hard suction
coupling which can catch your fingers. Tighten the coupling with a mallet and
make sure that there is room for the Keystone valve to operate.
Hook the other end to the hydrant
Connect the LDH double female to the hydrant. Position the hose to couple it
to the hydrant. Direct the engineer to move forward or backward slowly in
order to align the end of the hose to the double female adapter. Two people
will be required to handle and couple the hose as it takes some muscle to bend
it into position. Tighten the adapter ears with the mallet.