Steve Parmley's Hydrant Collection
I'm a firefighter-paramedic for the Santa Cruz Fire Dept. in Santa Cruz, CA. I've been in the fire service since October of 2000 and a medic since 1985. I acquired my first hydrant in May of 2003 when the local water dept. changed out a hydrant in front of one of our stations and made it available to anyone who wanted it. I was instantly hooked. Within a few weeks I had discovered and acquired several more.

I plan on restoring some of my hydrants for display, and leaving others with their history intact. So far most of my hydrants are wet barrel, although I do have one "wet-riser" hydrant, plus a couple of dry barrels acquired through trades with other collectors. Besides my interest in firefighting and fire hydrants, I'm a drummer and play in a local band as well as composing my own music for personal enjoyment.

To contact Steve, Click here.

Click photos to enlarge

  Rich Valve Co. Model 66
Identifying Characteristics: Wet riser type hydrant.
  • Appearance is reminiscent of the E.B.M.U.D. 64, the classic modern wet barrel hydrant.
  • An operating nut up top, however, means it is a warm climate hydrant with a dry barrel type mainvalve.
  • Also sold as the 665 Vanguard by Clow.

  • 1995
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Date: 1960s
    Origin: Salinas, CA
    © 2003 Steve Parmley

    Bonnet View

    And the restored hydrant...

    Click Images to Enlarge

      M. Greenberg Sons Model SFFD 74
    Indentifying Characteristics:
  • The famous San Francisco "Horse Ball" hydrant. Ball atop hydrant was for tying horse drawn apparatus.

  • 0525sp
    Nozzles: 2x 3"
    Date: early 1900s
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

      M. Greenberg Sons Model 74

    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    Date: none listed
    Origin: Salinas, CA
    © 2003 Steve Parmley

      M. Greenberg Sons Model 86
    Identifying characteristics: Wet riser hydrant from a wet barrel manufacturer.
  • "Pot belly" look: the belly contains the single mainvalve.
  • The 2.5" nozzles are angled torward the front of the hydrant.

  • Click images
    to enlarge.
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Date: 1958
    Origin: Santa Clara County, CA
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

    And the restored hydrant...

    Click images
    to enlarge.

      Clow 850

    Before... After!
    Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5" 1x 4.5"
    Date: 1997
    Origin: SF East Bay, CA
    © 2003 Steve Parmley

      American Darling MK 73

    Before... After!
    Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5" 1x 4.5"
    Date: 1976
    Origin: Carmel Valley, CA
    © 2005 Steve Parmley

      United Iron Works 643-1
    3" Nozzle equipped with a reducer to 2.5"

    Nozzles: 1x 3" (2.5" reducer)
    Date: late 1920s
    Origin: Oakland, CA
    © 2005 Steve Parmley

      United Iron Works
    Identifying characteristics: Bolt-on bonnet with square head bolts for access to the valve assembly. Nozzle and valve nut leaded in.

    Before After !
    Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5"
    Date: early 1900s
    Origin: SF East Bay, CA
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

      Long Beach Iron Works - model 430

    Before... After!
    Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5", 1 x 4.5"
    Date: 1994
    Origin: Santa Cruz, CA
    © 2003 Steve Parmley

      Ludlow List 90

    Before... After!
    Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5", 1 x 4.5"
    Date: 1952?
    Origin: McArthur, OH
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

      Shand and Jurs Model 101
    Indentifying Characteristics:
  • Classic "Mushroom Head" hydrant.

  • 0509sp
    Nozzles: 2x 2.5"
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

      James Jones J-3740
    Indentifying Characteristics:
  • Solid Bronze

  • 0391sp
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Date: 2002
    Origin: Oakland, CA
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

      Iowa Valve Model 50
    Indentifying Characteristics:
  • 4 nut pockets

  • Click to Enlarge
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Date: none
    Origin: Fort Ord, CA
    © 2004 Steve Parmley
      Bourbon Copper & Brass Works
    Indentifying Characteristics:
  • Bizarre nozzle arrangement
  • Bolt on steamer port

  • 0078sp
    Nozzles: 1x 2.5", 1x 4.5"
    Date: none
    Origin: Cincinnati, OH
    © 2004 Steve Parmley

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