Quentin Tilman's Hydrant Collection

In 1970, I was born in Durham, NC as an heir to a strong family inclination to save garbage. If other people throw it away, it must be good! My Uncle is a trash welder/sculptor, and my Granddad is a shameless thrift store junkie. I was attracted to fire hydrants because I thought that no one else could possibly be collecting them and because of their sheer weight. I love them. I have a wife, two girls, a dog, and a rabbit.

Photos © 2003 Quentin Tilman

1291 American Darling
· B-84-B model
· 5¼" V.O.
· Dated 1999
1068 Mueller
· Improved model
· 4½" V.O.
· Dated 1976
1105 R. D. Wood
· Modernized model
· 4" V.O.
· Dated 1942

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