Ed Frey's Hydrant Collection

All Photos © 2002 Ed Frey

Photo of early Darling hydrantPhoto of early Darling hydrant connected to 1929 American LaFrance pumper

Ed Frey's collection consists of this early Darling model from his hometown of Williamsport, PA. As Ed relates, "Connected to it is my 1929 American LaFrance 1000 GPM pumper that also was in service in Williamsport from 1929 until the mid 70's. This leads to the intriguing thought that sometime in the distant past they may have been hooked up in the normal course of business. Of course, I can't document that it happened but the possibility exists. The historical interest intertwined in these photos is very significant to me."

Depicted below is the companion hydrant to the early Darling shown above. This example differs only in that there is no chain-eye boss on the barrel, i.e., the little dimple between the nozzles where the chain-eye would screw in. Photo sequence shows the upper barrel components of this Darling model, including frost jacket.

Photo of early Darling hydrant, a variation of the same model shown abovePhoto of early Darling hydrant upper barrelPhoto of early Darling hydrant upper barrel components
Photo of 1957 R.D. Wood hydrant Rounding out Ed's hydrant collection is this 1957 R.D. Wood Improved model.

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