John Anderson's Collection of Canadian Hydrants
  • Canada Valve & Hydrant
  • Daigle
  • Kerr Engine Co.
  • Lawco
  • Thos. Lawson & Sons Ltd.
  • Toronto Water Works (TWW)

  • WebMaster's Note: This is a subset of John's collection; fire hydrants made by Canadian manufacturers.
    2081 Canada Vlv
    DA-300 (not model marked)
    · ~4" VO, undated
    1409 Canada Vlv
    S-300 (not model marked)
    · ~4" VO, 1956
    1895 Canada Vlv
    B-50-B model
    · ~4" VO, 1962
    1936 Canada Vlv
    Century model
    · ~5" VO, not dated
    1551 Daigle
    D63 model
    · 5¼" V.O., 1964
    1942 Kerr Engine
    ·~4" V.O.
    · dated 1911
    2155 Lawco
    No. 500 model
    Ottawa WW Dept
    ·5" V.O., 1966
    2156 Thos. Lawson
    ·~5" V.O.
    · undated
    1668 TWW
    ·~5" V.O.
    · bolted bonnet
    · undated

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