John Anderson's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 5
  • Dresser
  • MH Valve & Fitting Co.
  • Filer & Stowell (T.F.& S. Co., F&S)
  • Flower Stephens Mfg. Co.
  • Glamorgan Works
  • M. Greenberg's Sons
  • Holly Mfg. Co.

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    0181 Dresser
    300 traffic model
    · 4½" V.O.
    1287 Dresser
    300 traffic model
    · 4½" V.O.
    1894 Dresser
    300 traffic model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    1787 Dresser
    500 traffic model
    · 4½" V.O.
    1421 Dresser
    500 traffic model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    1422 Dresser
    500 traffic model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0897 MH Valve
    129 mdl
    · 4¼" VO, 1941
    · rd. edge bonnet
    0896 MH Valve
    129 model
    · 4¼" VO, 1946
    · rd. edge bonnet
    0907 MH Valve
    129 model
    · 4¼" VO, 1958
    · lip edge bonnet
    2146 MH/Dresser
    129 model
    · 4½" VO, 1974
    · lip edge bonnet
    0346 MH Valve
    129 model
    · 5¼"VO, 1960
    · lip edge bonnet
    1856 MH Valve
    129 model (tall)
    · 4½"VO, 0 gussets
    0259 MH/Dresser
    129 model (tall)
    · 4½" VO, 4 gussets
    1338 MH Valve
    129 model (tall)
    · 5¼" VO, 2 gussets
    1855 MH Valve
    129i Regent model
    · 5¼" VO, 1995
    1119 MH Valve
    Milw. Spec. MWW
    · 5¼" VO, 1950
    0553 MH Valve
    Milw. Spec. M-III
    · 5¼" V.O, 1956
    1282 MH Valve
    Milw. Spec. M-V
    · 5¼" V.O, 1971
    1276 T.F.& S. Co
    Milwaukee Hydrant
    · 5¼" V.O., 1936
    1118 F & S
    Milw. Spec. M-III
    · 5¼" V.O, 1956
    2275 Flower Stephens
    (model unknown)
    · ~4 V.O.
    2131 Glamorgan
    (model unknown)
    · 8.12" barrel I.D.
    1532 Greenberg
    horseball model (less ball)
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0535 Greenberg
    EBMUD 71 model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0514 Greenberg
    74 flg. hd. model
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0646 Greenberg
    SF 74 frisbee hd
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0620 Greenberg
    75 frisbee hd. w/knockoff
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0587 Greenberg
    54GR w/knockoff
    · wet barrel hyd.
    0092 Holly
    (model unknown)
    · 1869 Pat. date

    Summary | 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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