Ed Masminster's Hydrant Collection - Photo Page 4

  • Chapman Valve
  • Eddy Valve & Clow Corp.
  • Columbian Iron Works

  • WebMaster's Note: Whenever possible the photos shown are those of his collection hydrants. However in some instances other FH.O photos have been used; these have an asterick (*) after the photo number.
    ' '
    0846 Chapman
    List 82, (1890-1900)
    · 5" V.O., sbsb
    0943 Chapman
    List 82, (1902-10)
    · 4" V.O., lblb
    0851 Chapman
    List 82, (1902-10)
    · 5" V.O., lblb
    0931 Chapman
    List 88 w/ full height lettering
    · 5" V.O., 1988
    1081 Eddy Valve
    · ~4" V.O.
    · early style logo
    ' ' ' ' '
    1077 Eddy Valve
    · ~4" V.O., patent near operating nut
    · later style logo
    1078 Eddy Valve
    · ~4" V.O., patent on bonnet rim
    · later style logo
    1086 Eddy Valve
    · 2 pc. short barrel
    · 4" VO w/o OD rib
    1294 Eddy Valve
    · 2 pc. short barrel
    · 5" VO w/o OD rib
    1088 Clow/Eddy
    · 2 pc. tall barrel
    · 5¼" V.O.
    ' ' '
    1431 Clow/Eddy
    · 2 pc. tall barrel
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0160 Clow
    2500 model
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0179 Clow
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0001 Clow
    · 5¼" V.O.
    0495 Clow
    Model 5
    · wet barrel hyd.
    1293 Columbian Iron Works
    · 1 pc. barrel, 1928

    Summary | Photo Page 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
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