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is open, and no water remains in stand-pipe when main valve is closed.

No vibration.---The rod and main valve are held firmly in their places, so there can be no vibration or trembling during the opening or closing of the hydrant.

Simple, and Easily Repaired.---The working parts of hydrant are few in number, simple, strong, durable, and made carefully to fixed gauges, making them interchangeable, so that all ordinary repairs can be made in a few minutes by any workman on the ground when hydrant is taken up, avoiding the delay and expense of machine-shop repairs entirely.

Directions for Ordering Hydrants.---When ordering our hydrants please designate the particular class and size required, in accordance with our classification placed with the illustration of the hydrant on the opposite page, and give us also information as follows:

State depth the pipe is covered, to insure getting the right length of hydrant.
Standard lengths do not exceed 5 ½ feet to the top of pipe. For additional depths an additional charge will be made.
Send hose-gauge (part of coupling will answer) so the hydrant-nozzles may be accurately fitted to it.
State size and kind of pipe the hydrants are to connect with.

If any other hydrants are in use, state if they open by turning to right, or left, and give size and shape of nut for wrench.

Setting Hydrants.---We respectfully present the following suggestions relating to the setting, use, and repairs of hydrants: Take care that the hydrant is perpendicular, and that

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