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most extreme weather or recent severe winters, in the coldest sections of the country.
The Mathews' Patent Fire Hydrants combine all the necessary features to render them certain and reliable in their operation, at all times, for the purposes for which they are used, and particularly in cold climates.

Anti-Freezing.---The outer casing or frost-jacket enclosing the body of the hydrant, and making a telescopic joint therewith, forms a dead-air chamber the whole length of hydrant stock, which, acting as a non-conductor, gives great security against freezing, and obviates the necessity for packing or covering the hydrants in extreme cold weather.

Sliding Case.---The case, having an end-play or vertical motion of several inches independent of hydrant proper, accommodates itself to the upheaval of ground by frost and effectually prevents the heaving and breaking of hydrant or bend so frequent in ordinary hydrants.

Easily taken up.---By this arrangement of casing the hydrant, containing all the working parts, can be taken up for repairs, if necessary, without excavating , the outer case at the same time remaining undisturbed in the ground, and preventing the earth from caving in, thus greatly facilitating and lessening the cost of repairs. The cost and delay of taking up one ordinary hydrant in a severe winter will pay for any additional first cost of frost case many times over.

Automatic Waste.---The positively automatic waste-valve being attached to the valve-rod, renders it impossible to open the main valve without instantly closing the waste orifice, and as certainly opens the waste when the main valve is closed, so that no water is wasted while main valve

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